Because One Size Doesn't Fit All - Brown Box Flowers
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Because one size

Because One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Because sometimes you need to whisper…sometimes you need to SHOUT!!!

Sometimes we just need to say a little

“Hey there!’, thanks a lot for letting the dog out for me!” or “cheer up – plenty more fish in the sea!”

Other times we need to say

“That was totally epic – you’re amazing”

And once in a while we have to say

“OMG you just rocked my world”

What ever it is you want to say you got you covered!!!

Sometimes you need to whisper…sometimes you need to SHOUT!!!

Sometimes we just need to say a little

“Hey there!’, thanks a lot for letting the dog out for me!” or “cheer up – plenty more fish in the sea!”

Other times we need to say

“That was totally epic – you’re amazing”

And once in a while we have to say

“OMG you just rocked my world”

What ever it is you want to say you got you covered!!!



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