BBF My Business - Point Six Coffee House - Brown Box Flowers
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Fun Sunflowers

BBF My Business – Point Six Coffee House

Today we delivered our first BBF My Business bunch!

Fun Sunflowers

For no other reason than because it’s nice to be nice, we have decided to share our BBF’s with some local independent businesses.

We made our first drop to the newly established Point Six Coffee House on Kedleston Road in Derby, and it went down a treat!

Josh at Point Six Coffee House

Look how happy Josh is to hold a bunch of BBF’s!

We can vouch for the fact the coffee and cake is on point and will be back overtime we do our delivery runs through Derby – hurrah!

Do you know a local shop keeper or business, creator, artisan, maker or baker who would love their own BBF My Business bunch!

Be sure to let us know their name and we may just push the petals their way!




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